The Irish Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning is an open access, peer reviewed journal published by the Irish Learning Technolog Association (ILTA).  It is dedicated to scholarly excellence and to the promotion of research in the Irish educational technology community.

The journal aims provide an important Irish dissemination channel to showcase research and scholarship from individual, organisational, national and international perspectives. The philosophy of the journal is to reflect the changing needs and interests of the Irish technology-enhanced learning community, which will inform the thematic focus of publication issues. As an online journal, traditional print-based and multimedia content are presented to enable multi-modal interaction for readers engaging with new ideas and knowledge.

How to submit

The journal welcomes the following submission types:

1. Original Research
Original Research (3000 words, including abstract and references). These are contributions reporting primary research in Technology Enhanced Learning. Submissions will be reviewed for suitability in terms of: methodological rigour; originality, interest to our readership and wider significance.
2. Original Research (Extended Report)
Original Research (Extended Report) (8,000 words, including abstract and references) This are similar to the above research papers but allows for longer or larger scale research projects, such as findings for completed doctoral research.
3. Position Papers
Position papers (3,000 words). These contributions establish debate or critique a relevant policy or issue. Contributions may be provocative in nature, but must be rigorous and informed by relevant literature and make an original contribution to debate.
4. Short Reports
Short reports (2,500 words). These can be reports on ongoing research or on the challenges of engaging critically research in technology enhanced learning. These contributions may take novel or innovative formats.
5. Book Reviews
Book reviews (not exceeding 1,000 words). These are reviews of relevant books.

Editorial Board

Dr Orna Farrell, Dublin City University
Dr Fiona Concannon, University of Galway
Dr Tom Farrelly, Munster Technological University
Dr Leigh Graves Wolf, University College Dublin
Dr. Gearóid Ó Súilleabháin – Munster Technological University
Catherine Bruen – Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland
Laura Widger – Waterford Institute of Technology