Vacancy at WIT; eLearning Flexible Learning Coordinator

From Laura Widger, WIT. Closing date is Friday 7 March. Waterford Institute of Technology wishes to develop its current eLearning Support Infrastructure through increased training and support for staff in effective integration of technology into their Teaching,...

Job Vacancy at National College of Ireland

From Eugene O’Loughlin, NCI Dear Colleagues NCI are advertising for an Executive Assistant in our Centre for Research and Innovation in Learning and Teaching (CRILT). Blended Learning is a big piece of what this Centre does. The job is primarily for an for an...

AISHE-J New Issue Available

The Autumn 2011 issue of the All Ireland Journal of Higher Education (AISHE-J v3n2) has just been published. A number of articles in this issue focus on online learning in higher education. You can access the Autumn issue here.

V-Lang Project Conference, Warsaw

V-Lang Project 2011 Conference: ”Future Language Learning Now: Innovative Applications and Methods for Language Training”. The V-Lang Project 2011 Conference takes place in Warsaw on November 17th. The conference aims to address a wide range of...