Mar 27, 2012 | Archive
From Roisín Donnelly, DIT Dublin Institute of Technology Learning Teaching & Technology Centre Open Evening Wednesday 28th March, 5.00 – 6.30 pm Come along and find out more about our postgraduate programmes. Postgraduate Diploma in Third Level Learning &...
Mar 7, 2012 | Archive
From Laura Widger, WIT. Closing date is Friday 7 March. Waterford Institute of Technology wishes to develop its current eLearning Support Infrastructure through increased training and support for staff in effective integration of technology into their Teaching,...
Nov 15, 2011 | Archive
From Eugene O’Loughlin, NCI Dear Colleagues NCI are advertising for an Executive Assistant in our Centre for Research and Innovation in Learning and Teaching (CRILT). Blended Learning is a big piece of what this Centre does. The job is primarily for an for an...
Nov 7, 2011 | Archive
The Autumn 2011 issue of the All Ireland Journal of Higher Education (AISHE-J v3n2) has just been published. A number of articles in this issue focus on online learning in higher education. You can access the Autumn issue here.
Oct 19, 2011 | Archive
V-Lang Project 2011 Conference: ”Future Language Learning Now: Innovative Applications and Methods for Language Training”. The V-Lang Project 2011 Conference takes place in Warsaw on November 17th. The conference aims to address a wide range of...
Oct 10, 2011 | Archive
Practitioner Showcase: Eugene O’Loughlin’s YouTube Learning Channel At ILTA we were delighted to hear that Eugene O’Loughlin’s YouTube learning channel – Learn with YouTube – has had more than half a million viewers....