EdTech2013 will feature a rich mix of global education and industry keynote presenters to stimulate lively discourse as we address ‘Opening Up Education: Resources, Learning and Collaboration’.

We look forward to lively interactive sessions, showcases, and presentations at EdTech13, combined with plenty of informal networking activities in the presence of our keynote speakers.

Sian Bayne

Sian BayneAssociate Dean (Digital Scholarship) at University of Edinburgh;
Co-developer of the university’s first MOOC ‘E-Learning and Digital Cultures’ via Coursera

Sian is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Education, and Director of Studies on the MSc in Digital Education. Her research interests revolve around the changes undergoing learning and teaching as it shifts online – current particular interests are around posthumanism and online education, the geographies of distance education, uncanny digital literacies and the role of social media in higher education. She is currently Associate Dean (digital scholarship) in the College of Humanities and Social Science at Edinburgh.

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Catherine Cronin

Catherine CroninAcademic Coordinator of online IT programmes;
Lecturer in Information Technology at the National University of Ireland, Galway.

Catherine’s work focuses on online and open education, digital literacies and social media in education. Her current research interests are open education practices and digital identities. In addition to her work in HE, Catherine works with schools and youth groups to explore e-safety and social media for learning.

Catherine is a New Yorker living in Galway; has degrees engineering and women’s studies; has taught in community settings, the Open University and HE in Ireland and Scotland; and is a passionate advocate for the power of social media to connect us and to transform learning.

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Ross Mahon

Ross Mahon

Global Awareness Manager, Google

Ross has been at Google for over 5 years and has been on the Education team for 3 of those and responsible for driving awareness of Google in Education across Europe, Middle East and Africa. He is also a member of the Teaching Schools New Technology advisory board and the advisory group for the UK Edtech incubator.

Today he is primarily focused on promoting the use of the web for teaching and learning in schools and universities. Google in Education includes Google Apps for Edu, Chromebooks and Android. Ross will explore trends impacting the Education sector and the challenges we face in educating the next generation.

He will also look at how tools like Google Apps for Education can help educational institutions leverage powerful consumer cloud based technologies to engage students and foster creativity.

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Kyle L. Peck

Kyle Peck, Penn State UniversityProfessor of Education at Penn State University;
Principal Investigator for the NASA Aerospace Education Services Project;

Co-Director of the Center for Online Innovation in Learning (COIL) .

Kyle studies and applies innovations in education, and his current interests include Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and digital badges in education. His most recent published thoughts on these topics are on the blog ‘EvoLLLution‘.

He recently served as Director of the Regional Educational Lab for the mid-Atlantic region and Co-Director of Pennsylvania’s Classrooms for the Future Evaluation Project. Kyle was also Co-Founder of the innovative “Centre Learning Community Charter School,” and completed two terms on the Board of Directors of the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE).

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Conference Highlights

2013 Technology Enhanced Learning Survey (IRELAND): Executive Summary and Report Launch

Jennifer Burke Award for Innovation in Teaching and Learning: Live Finalist Presentations and Voting